
Seven Tips on how to study the Bible

Tips On How to Study the Bible as a New Believer
The Bible is an amazing Book comprising of Laws, Histories, Prophecies, Wisdom, Guide, Teachings and instructions. The Bible is the Word of God containing Past, Present and Future. Historians, Theologians, Critics and all other school of thoughts have tried to prove it authenticity and some are still on it.


   The Bible is the Official and most credible source of the Christian Faith for any other writings or teachings must agree with it.

Guide on How to Study the Bible

1.   Start with the Synoptic Gospel
Synoptic Gospel

This is the conclusion of the entirety of God’s plan for mankind that is Salvation. The Synoptic Gospel Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John talks about the Messiah Jesus Christ the son of God. The writers try to capture Jesus’ birth, life, ministry, arrest, trial, death and resurrection upon which stand the Faith of the believer. Studying the Synoptic Gospel will build, reaffirm and strengthen ones Faith.
2.   Read and understand the Torah

The Torah are the Laws of Moses given by God to the Children of Israel. Reading and having a concrete insight on God’s plan for His creation and His chosen people. Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy.

3. The History Books
History Books

As was stated the Bible constitute a lot of History of nations, kings, people and largely Israel. As a believer you must subscribe yourself to get a clear understanding on the different eras and divers events captured in the Holy scriptures. Books like Judges, 1 and 2nd Samuel, 1 and 2nd Chronicles, 1 and 2nd Kings are recommended to read.

4.    Read the songs and wisdom books
Wisdom Books Psalms and Proverbs

The lineage of David had immeasurable understanding about God and His dealings with His people. So, they wrote songs of worship, counsels and insights on how to first worship this God and then how to live for Him. The Book of Psalms, Proverbs and Ecclesiastes are largely recommended.

5.    Doctrines and Teachings
Doctrines and Teachings

After a general foundation has been established about the plans and purposes of God, the fall of man, the exile and redemption of God’s people, the world redemptive plan of God through Jesus Christ, you can now begin to dive deeper in the teachings of the Apostles through letters. The Letters of Paul and the messages of the Beloved Peter and John.

6.    Prophecies
By now the foundation of you the believer must have been secured with ardent prayer and fellowship with the brethren in Bible based Church. Now you can begin to search the scripture to follow patterns, foresights and prophecies of God either by Himself or through His Prophets. The Books Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel and the minor Prophets will finish the job.

7.    Revelations

The seal of the Bible is the book of John called Revelations. This book is an entire summary of the beginning, the present and then future but extra caution and maturity is required to have a clerical understanding of the content.
DISCLAIMER: These are not hard and fast rules it’s just a guide to assist the believer in the newfound Faith. The best guide is the Holy Spirit and His ways are sure and thorough.
                                                                                                                         Samuel H Norman

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